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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Sneak Peek

My camera is still out of commission, but I went ahead and snapped some pictures of my latest project with my phone. The pictures aren't the best, but I wanted to go ahead and post some pictures because I think this turned out so cute!!

"Happy 1st birthday"

There is no way to get the whole thing in one picture. I also made another banner for McGuyer's high chair. It says "I am 1" I forgot to get a picture of that. No worries, though. McGuyer's Mom said she would send me some pictures.

I just love those Mickey hands!! I also made a bigger "1st" Mickey head. I think it might look better, but we will see.

Cupcake toppers

I also cut out a bunch of Micky ears of different sizes and colors, but picture. (That seems to be the theme of this post.)

What do you think?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Something That Bugs Me

I have the most amazing husband in the world. I very rarely complain about him (publicly, anyway) because I think it is my job as his wife to support him. Same goes for him. He supports me. I have never heard him complain about me to others, but then again I am not around him all day every day. I choose to think he doesn't.

However! (You knew that was coming, right?)
There is one little thing that has been on my mind. Nothing major, but in every instance this happens.

When I buy milk, I buy the red top (full fat!!!). I like it better for cooking and for The Boy. He needs all the fat he can get. Skinny little booger. 

Sometimes The Husband does the grocery shopping for us. I will make a list and he will get the items while adding what he wants too. Everytime I put milk on the list, he buys the blue top! I even write "milk (red top)" and he will buy the blue top.



To infinity and beyond.

Now I know I shouldn't complain. I realize there are people out there with more serious husband issues. This is nothing and actually I am not complaining. I'm just sharing. :)